Friday, July 11, 2008

So what was this Student Project anyway?

Wow, the Scontras Student Project was quite an experience! We spent the week before Maine's local primary elections working with 45-55 students and parents. Dean Scontras is a local candidate who was running for U.S. Congress. The students worked very hard as they spent about 9 hours a day in the car doing door to door lit. drops, and then 2-1/2 to 3 hours on the phones each evening encouraging supporters to get out and vote.

The Lord taught Justin and I so much during this time as we continued to learn more about trusting Him. He allowed us to be stretched and pulled in many different directions, but it was such a precious time of working together. Dean Scontras did not win the election, but the Lord gave us an awesome opportunity to invest in our state, the students, and Dean himself. Several of us stayed in the Scontras home with he and his family and what a blessing it was to get to know not just the candidate, but a person. We really hope to see him run again someday!

1 comment:

Hannah :) said...

Student Project was incredible. You've no idea how much you and Mr. Justin's help and willing service that week made an impact in not only how things went, but the student project blessed me beyond belief. Therefore I thank you again-

Hannah L.